I have a Windows Service named, say,ABC. And I need to give a non-Administrator user, UserA,UserB,UserC, the permissions to Start/Stop this particular service. My service runs on a variety of Windows OS, starting from Windows Server 2003 to Windows 7.
I am doing like following
If I give permission to User A ,followed by UserB, followed by UserC ,then only User C get Permission . I use following command
sc sdshow "service name "
The reason for above reason as I m overwriting permission again and again. But what is the way if I want to give permission User A,B,C.
I got the reference from – link "http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/windowscompatibility/thread/047e9c87-eff2-4a77-a58e-b07f58ac146b"