Hey Guys,
I am having troubles with getting my offline Policy CA online. Everytime i try to start it after installing the PolicyCA cert + RootCA + RootCACrl i get an error that Revocation server is offline.
Even though i checked the CDP + AIA location and they are accessible from different computers also from the PolicyCA itself.
The CDP and AIA locations are located on a fileserver
for the CDP im using the following link file://fileserver\Certfolder\Certificates\Rootca.crl (crl name is apprehended with the predefined windows variables)
and for the AIA im using the link file://fileserver\CertFolder\Certificates\RootCA.crl (cert name is apprehended with the predefined windows variables)
When i copy the exact AIA & CDP location from the Policy CA certificate and try to access them via run and copying the link in it. Windows opens the cert or crl file without a problem. But i am still getting the revocation server is offline error.
Any idea's what i am doing wrong?