Hi, i have a fully pki environment working with wifi (device certs) using NPS / Radius. It was working until last weekend. I checked a lot, but I can't find the problem. Certificates are valid, SHA-1, 2048 bits. So I don't expect an update to be in the way.
Some clients are still working. Those devices were booted at another building B (same AD, same Radius, other wifi vendor) and working over there. But devices that are only used at this building A are not working. Servers and clients were updated last week, both at building A and B, so the environment is at the same level.
In the iaslog I can see the device being authenticated (reasoncode=0), but nothing happens. Wifi connection at the client is still 'validating' (in dutch: Verificatie proberen). But since the log of the Radius tells me it is authenticated, I don't know where it stops.
Can anybody give me clue where to look, what logs to check?