Hi I'm getting the Error Event ID 64 — Certificate Services Client - Auto Enrollment in my event manager
| | | | |
[ Name] | Microsoft-Windows-CertificateServicesClient-AutoEnrollment |
| | |
[ Guid] | {F0DB7EF8-B6F3-4005-9937-FEB77B9E1B43} |
| | |
[ EventSourceName] | AutoEnrollment |
| | | | |
[ SystemTime] | 2012-12-03T00:00:19.000000000Z |
| | ObjId | a2 91 de 79 b1 ad d9 7b 93 ee 01 0b 38 f0 f2 6b d8 8e be eb |
Now I have Identified the expired certificate with the information I found at http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc774595(WS.10).aspx but when I try to renew the certificate I get the following message -
Enrollment error: the request contains no certificate template information.