One of our Windows 2008 Servers is logging massive erros very similar to the ones below. 3-4 per second. All the posts on this matter point to solutions that either don't apply or the suggestion is to turn off auditing, which seems like bad practice to me. These errors are all over the map of our network. No specific service or obvious cuplrit. DOes any one know how to quiet this chatter down without turning off auditing? It's only happening on this one server. It is a Domain Controller.
The Windows Filtering Platform has blocked a connection.
Application Information:
Process ID: 4
Application Name: System
Network Information:
Direction: Inbound
Source Address: X.X.X.X
Source Port: 5
Destination Address: X.X.X.X
Destination Port: 0
Protocol: 1
Filter Information:
Filter Run-Time ID: 0
Layer Name: Receive/Accept
Layer Run-Time ID: 44