I would like to start a discussion about following matter I have encountered.
We have migrated a physical server to our VM enviroment in one of our data centers. Now I'm setting accounts, that will runs scheduled tasks etc.
Each of these accounts serves it's purpose and from the security organizational point of view, they should remain that way. Anyway, There was a request from one of my colleagues requesting a active directory administrator account (local server admin), that should be used as autologon account after each reboot.
The reason for the autologon is following: There is a specific SW, that can't run as a service and is needed to be executed when a admin account is logged on with a specific batch file.
Right after that, the account will log off.
I would like to know your opinions and of course your suggestions.
Main reason I'm asking this are these concerns:
This is not security wise.
The IT guys from LukOIL