I'm looking at setting up Windows 2012 Direct Access with a single adapter behind a NAT device.
The query i have is over using a public/Third-party wildcart SSL cert on the DA server for ip-https.
We already have a wildcart ssl cert which is installed on another iis webserver, i know it's possible to export that cert
as a pfx from the Personal Store on the iis host and to supply a private key as part of the process.
Would this method be suitable for importing the cert onto the DA server, again into the Personal Store for the computer in the
certificate snapin. Is that all there is to it for setting up iphttps or does there need to be a binding or CSR process within iis itself
on the DA server, if so what are the steps for doing this. Using a wildcart ssl cert from a public CA for DA 2012 isn't very well documented.