I am have setup CES/CEP on one 2012 R2 server, with seperate AD og Ent CA servers. I have followed the guide from Microsoft:http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh831822.aspx
I have tried with built-in account and with Service account running the service. It don't show any errors in eventlog or in GUI.
I have successfully configured the test non-domain joined client with GPO settings with the URL, and validated the URL. all sucessfull. I have tried with several accounts, domain admin aswell.BUT I am not able to get any certificate template available in the certificate mmc snap in. Not User or computer templates are showing. I have even added ALL the templates to see if there was any template issue. I have tried with supply subject name in request, as I am hoping to enroll computer certificates.
Does anyone have any pointers?
Best regards ANdre