So this is a bit odd but a very interesting topic.
There must be certificate on my windows 7 workstation that wants to be enrolled to every server I login into though my RDP session.
Here is what happens, I login and it will ask on the taskbar to to enroll a certificate.
We know that it is a company named certificate that is related to hardware - I am not exactly sure..
(see screen shot of the prompting- Scroll to far right to see this image...!110&authkey=!AEYvhxfy5W1-XO4&v=3&ithint=photo%2c.jpg
MS will not allow me to post images so I had to use one drive, I apologize since I do not post often.
I know how to register it on every RDP session to a cert server but this is not normal and honestly it is quite annoying.
Can anyone suggestion or does anyone know how I can stop this from happening?