We are running a certificate authority on windows 2012. Our programming section developed a java application on linux and wanted to code sign it. They created a csr and sent it to me. I created a duplicate of the built in code signing template and used it to create a code signing certificate, which I sent back to the programmer. He used the certificate to sign the application jar file, and everything seemed ok. But when we try running the application we get a 'classnotfoundexception' for the main class of the program. Just to be sure it was not a fluke I wrote a small test applet and went through the same procedure of creating a csr, creating the certificate, and code signing the jar file, and ended up getting the same exact error.
The programmer tried creating a self signed certificate on linux and using that to code sign the jar file, and the program runs successfully. Of course there is a warning that the certificate is untrusted, which is why we ant to use the windows created certificate to sign the application since the root certificate in on everyone's computer.
Is there anything special needed to be done to get the windows created certificate to successfully sign a java application?