EventID 4740 (account lockout) is not being logged to the event viewer. When searching through the security log there are none to be found. Having accounts locked out and no logging is driving me nuts. Hope someone has run into this before. This is what i have checked thus far.
>Windows Server 2008 R2 Domain Controller
>Verified the following GPO settings are set and correct:
>Computer Configuration\Windows Settings\Security Settings\Local Policies\Audit Policy\ all are set for Success & Failure
>Computer Configuration\Windows Settings\Security Settings\Advanced Audit Configuration\Logon/Logoff) is set for Success and Failure
>Powershell command Get-Eventlog -log Security -InstanceId 4740 returns no results which makes sense since there are no entries in the security log file.
>No 4740 entries in the netlogon.log debug file
AD and the LockoutStatus tool show the account is locked out but i still have nothing in the logs.
Anyone have any ideas? From everything i can find online , it appears i have everything set properly.
Thanks, Chico