Greetings All:
Client provided a certificate I installed on Cert Manager in Trusted Root Certification Authorities – Certificates. When I click it says "Certificate is OK" that means it is installed correctly.
Client also sent a BLOB. I also created a local user account on the web server, on IIS; I created "iisClientCertificateMappingAuthentication" (One to One mapping) entry with that BLOB and the username I created.
Client is trying to access our .net 4 site with the matching client cert. It is throwing a IIS 403 (access denied error). When I checked IIS logs, It has the 403 error with “sc-win32-status” “2148081683”. This errors means (google says ) "IIS is failing to validate the CRL for the CA".
What does this mean? Can someone please point me in the right direction to get this solved?
Thanks Much
- Shiyam