Hi All
I am currently trying to configure SLDAP for my network. I want to do this with a self signed certificate from my CA and am using this
My setup is Server 2008 SP2 (not R2) Standard. The Server is a Domain controller which I already use for NPS and Radius and has the Active Directory Certificate Services role setup.
My problem is that when I try and enable the Domain Controller Authentication Template on the CA, when I goNew - Certificate Template to Issue, the Domain Controller Authentication template is not in the list of certificate templates (Along with others that are missing). This problem was also mentioned here so I ran the command certutil -SetCAtemplates +domaincontrollerauthentication which works. The problem I then have is that when I try and enrol the certificate to one of my Domain Controllers (mmc - Certificates (Computer Account) - Personal - Root), when I select Request New Certificate and select Domain Controller Authentication and hit Enrol, I get "The requested certificate template is not supported buy this CA. The request was for a certificate templates that is not supported by the Active Directory Certificate Services Policy".
I checked permissions on the certificate and "Authenticated users" has read access. I have read certain certificate restrictions for Server 2008 Standard but not sure if this applies to what I am trying to achieve.
Can anyone point me in the right direction for this?