I got a issued to renew with same Key PAir the certificate of a Subca when the certificate is store in a HSM and using the KSP instead of the Legacy CSP.
and if it's not the same SID how generated the original key pair at the ADCS installation. IF it the same UserID work fine.
I already look the KSP configuration both got the HSM partition register in the KSP, both pass the vtl cmd run successful.
but if you try via the Certificate Authority mmc snap-in to renew the certificate if the the SID how install the SubCA the workflow work fine and we got the csr. When we try with the Other SID the all the first step are OK but the Online Submission windows don't appear and no csr are generated . I can find in the Certificate Enrollment certificate store the request pending.
any error in the KSP log or other Event log entry.
Someone Got Ideas ?