Hello All,
We have an issue on our web server. there are a lot of random generated files under windows\temp cause disk get full.
files names and extensions are generated randomly. I guess iis does that. in the content of files is javascriptand css codes that used by our web application.
below is screenshot of Wondows\temp dirrectory.
Is that a virus that generates these files?
why these files are generated ?
We are using Windows server 2008 R2 and iis7.
below is also content from one of these files
base.init = function () {base.options = o = $.extend(true, {}, $.keyboard.defaultOptions, options);
// Shift and Alt key toggles, sets is true if a layout has more than one keyset - used for mousewheel message
base.shiftActive = base.altActive = base.metaActive = base.sets = base.capsLock = false;
base.lastKeyset = [false, false, false]; // [shift, alt, meta]
// Class names of the basic key set - meta keysets are handled by the keyname
base.rows = ['', '-shift', '-alt', '-alt-shift'];
base.acceptedKeys = [];
base.mappedKeys = {}; // for remapping manually typed in keys
$('<!--[if lte IE 8]><script>jQuery("body").addClass("oldie");</script><![endif]--><!--[if IE]><script>jQuery("body").addClass("ie");</script><![endif]-->').appendTo('body').remove();
base.msie = $('body').hasClass('oldie'); // Old IE flag, used for caret positioning
base.allie = $('body').hasClass('ie'); // $.browser.msie being removed soon
base.inPlaceholder = base.$el.attr('placeholder') || '';
base.watermark = (typeof (document.createElement('input').placeholder) !== 'undefined' && base.inPlaceholder !== ''); // html 5 placeholder/watermark
base.regex = $.keyboard.comboRegex; // save default regex (in case loading another layout changes it)
base.decimal = (/^\./.test(o.display.dec)) ? true : false; // determine if US "." or European "," system being used
// convert mouse repeater rate (characters per second) into a time in milliseconds.
base.repeatTime = 1000 / (o.repeatRate || 20);
// Check if caret position is saved when input is hidden or loses focus
// (*cough* all versions of IE and I think Opera has/had an issue as well
base.temp = $('<input style=";left:-9999em;top:-9999em;" type="text" value="testing">').appendTo('body').caret(3, 3);
// Also save caret position of the input if it is locked
base.checkCaret = (o.lockInput || base.temp.hide().show().caret().start !== 3) ? true : false;
base.lastCaret = { start: 0, end: 0 };
base.temp = ['', 0, 0]; // used when building the keyboard - [keyset element, row, index]
// Bind events
$.each('initialized beforeVisible visible change hidden canceled accepted beforeClose'.split(' '), function (i, f) {
if ($.isFunction(o[f])) {
base.$el.bind(f + '.keyboard', o[f]);
// Close with esc key & clicking outside
if (o.alwaysOpen) { o.stayOpen = true; }
$(document).bind('mousedown.keyboard keyup.keyboard touchstart.keyboard', function (e) {
if (base.opening) { return; }
// needed for IE to allow switching between keyboards smoothly
if (e.target && $(e.target).hasClass('ui-keyboard-input')) {
var kb = $(e.target).data('keyboard');
if (kb && kb.options.openOn) {
Need your urgent help
Best Regards