I havethe following problem:In mynetworkI have twoDCS, in one of themhavecertificates inExchangeServer 2010,but theserver presentedproblemson discsand thusno longer havethis serverinproduction.I willinstall a newDC,I have acopyof all certificates,because I havea full backupof theserver. If Irecoverthisfull backup on the new server,solvesmy problem, Exchange serverswill recognizethe certificates?
Detailalreadymovedall the FSMODCfor the secondserver,soa week ago,and it's working.
Or would it bebetter to installa new server,enableand importCAcertificates?Will work,would haveno problemsbecausethe certificatesbelonging toanother server that isno longerin operation.
Summing up:My problemis to retrievethe certificates andputback into production.
Thatmy ideawill work? Ordo you suggestanother action?
Thank you!
I havethe following problem:In mynetworkI have twoDCS, in one of themhavecertificates inExchangeServer 2010,but theserver presentedproblemson discsand thusno longer havethis serverinproduction.I willinstall a newDC,I have acopyof all certificates,because I havea full backupof theserver. If Irecoverthisfull backup on the new server,solvesmy problem, Exchange serverswill recognizethe certificates?
Detailalreadymovedall the FSMODCfor the secondserver,soa week ago,and it's working.
Or would it bebetter to installa new server,enableand importCAcertificates?Will work,would haveno problemsbecausethe certificatesbelonging toanother server that isno longerin operation.
Summing up:My problemis to retrievethe certificates andputback into production.
Thatmy ideawill work? Ordo you suggestanother action?
Thank you!
Ivanildo Teixeira Galvão