hello everyone,
i'm having a bit of a hassle with a command line to enroll a certificate for a computer without user interaction,
basically i have a pki infrastructure with a CES/CEP server proxying certificate requests from non domain pcs to the subordinate authority.
those non domain clients were configured to requests certificates from the CEP server and through the normal GUI can enroll for any certificate they need.
nowwant to automate this process through a command line or a powershell and i ran this command :
certreq -submit -Username VEDOM1\USERNAME -p PASSWORD -PolicyServer "https://fr004-sca-002.dom1.xxxx.net/ADPolicyProvider_CEP_UsernamePassword/service.svc/CEP" -attrib "SAN:CertificateTemplate:ConfigMgrWorkgroupClientCertificate-xxxx&DNS=L-CZC0514VVZ.dom1.xxxx.net" -attrib "SAN:CertificateTemplate:ConfigMgrWorkgroupClientCertificate-xxxx&DNS=L-CZC0514VVZ.dom1.xxxx.net" .\sccm_cer_wkg.req C:\Temp\SCCMcertwkg.cer
however the command prompts me for the CEP server
any ideas on what i'm doing wrong because i provided this info in the command line ....
thanks !
Hitch Bardawil