I am experiencing an issue. My setup is as follows:
Offline Root CA
Enterprise Issuing SubCA
Recently I was attempting to set up EAP-TLS for a wired network test. I ran into Radius error code 259. Which said that CRL could not be verified.
I ran PKIView.msc and get:
CDP Location #1 Expired ldap:///CN=openxcorpca,CN=OpenXCORPCA,CN=CDP,CN=Public%20Key%20Services,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,dc=corp,dc=openx,dc=com?certificateRevocationList?base?objectClass=cRLDistributionPoint
CDP Location #2 Unable to download http://ca-cert-01/CertEnroll/%3CCANAME%3E.crl
Location #1 is the offline Root CA
Location #2 is the Issuing Enterprise SubCA.
I attempted to get to location #2 and i get an error. But when I use the following url I get the CRL.
My question is is #3CCANAME%3E.crl incorrect? How do I change it?
Thank you,