I have Windows 2008 R2 server and a program that I would like some users to be able to run (monitors printing accounts).
Previously on Windows 2003 it was not a problem. Now when the users log into RDP they cannot access the program. It pops open a log in window and wants admin rights.
I tried properties on the exe file and making it Run As Administrator. I tried adding a Security Group to AD and giving access to the user group and putting the SG on the security of the program. No go.
I saw on suggestion to use Regedit and:
Change the value of ConsentPromptBehaviorAdmin from "2" to "0". (mine was actually set at 5). But not sure I should do this as could it now open up too much?
I have not changed the UAC at all, again not wanting to let to much security lapse.
Thanks in advance,