I am having an issue getting server 2003 standard requesting a cert from a 2008R2CA. I did some digging and used this link to troubleshoot as it has my exact error, http://blogs.technet.com/b/askds/archive/2007/11/06/how-to-troubleshoot-certificate-enrollment-in-the-mmc-certificate-snap-in.aspx. After going through all the steps I still get the same error. A little more digging and I found this link http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/winserversecurity/thread/5b280f9c-785b-44ff-98f5-7f5d3e94a5e8, this time the KB was already installed.
I started looking at cert versions because I read that XP and Server 20034 cannot use V3 certs. When I look at the cert temp console the versions I see are 3.1 and up.
So how can I resolve this issue?